The environmental impact of hydrocarbon use is currently a hot topic for major consumers, particularly in the mining sector. With diesel remaining an essential source of power generation in remote mining locations throughout Australia, and the logistic networks that support mining, the pressure to relieve some of the carbon emissions footprint is not going away any time soon. As the requirement for hydrocarbon products remains so high, there is one company that is looking to see how they can maximise these resources to minimise environmental impacts.
Fuel management has become a focus area in the effort to reduce the environmental impacts hydrocarbons cause. Broadly speaking, fuel management is the systems, processes and technologies used to make sure that every drop of fuel is used as efficiently as possible.
Ensuring your site has clean fuel is a crucial first step in any fuel management process. By using the latest filtering technology greater burn efficiency can be achieved. When fuel is burning as cleanly as possible users will not only reduce their fuel use by up to 5% but also save money that goes straight to the bottom line.
The second step in quality fuel management is remote monitoring and data collection, tracking every drop so you can be sure that no hydrocarbons are going to waste. Fuel tracking systems have developed rapidly in the last five years and are now at the perfect cross section of affordability and ease of use. Never before has it been so easy for even the smallest operations to gain the benefits of knowing where the fuel is going. Instant reconciliation, across multiple sites, in real time is within everyone’s reach.
Finally, to manage your fuel well you need to have the optimal storage, the right size in the right place. By minimising distances travelled by fleet in operation you can drastically cut down on fuel use. This knowledge has inspired a major shift towards in-pit refuelling across many mine sites and onsite refuelling in transport sectors. Even better, with the right size tank you can optimise deliveries from your fuel supplier, saving money and time.
Fuelfix & Tanks2Go is an Australian company who has been at the forefront of fuel management innovation for almost 20 years. There is no company who is better placed to analyse your fuel use and handling with the goal of maximising your hydrocarbon efficiency.
With a team of experienced in-house engineers, fitters and sales personnel Fuelfix & Tanks2Go can design and deliver a fuel management solution custom made for your business. Using the latest and greatest in fuel management technology and filtration they can ensure that your hydrocarbon is being used as efficiently as possible.
Working with the biggest mining and transport companies across Australia Fuelfix & Tanks2Go prides itself on our ability to provide flexible solutions that maximise their customer’s capital investment in equipment and fuel inventory. With Australia’s largest fleet of rental tanks, all prepared to deliver fuel management outcomes, there are many options available that help minimise inventory to maximise working capital.